
Depression can affect your daily life. Learn about different types of depression, causes, and how to cope with it.

Nicer People Are More Prone to This Mental Health Disorder

We're all encouraged to be nice, but it turns out this positive quality can be a very real negative.

11 Ways to Beat Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Follow these expert-backed tips to help you cope with seasonal affective disorder, from spending time with animals to positive...

14 Little Ways You Can Avoid Seasonal Affective Disorder

Don't let this seasonal mood disorder get you down. Read on for expert-approved strategies for getting through the winter months,...

10 Silent Signs You May Have Seasonal Affective Disorder

These symptoms can help you tell the difference between temporary sadness and seasonal affective disorder.

17 Things Psychologists Wish People Knew About Depression

We debunk the myths and misinformation about mental illness that keep people from getting the life-changing help they need.

8 Hidden Signs of Depression to Watch Out For

Depression, especially milder cases, doesn’t always involve crying or feeling obviously unhappy. These subtler mental clues could also indicate you...

Can You Ever Stop Taking Antidepressants?

The answer is most likely yes, but the process might look different for different people depending on their health, outlook,...

14 of the Most Dangerous Misconceptions About Depression

Some ingrained notions about depression cause unneeded suffering for people with depression and those around them. Here's how to better...

12 Simple but Powerful Ways Therapists Ward off Depression and Anxiety

Therapists have the same emotional highs and lows as everyone else, but they also have some handy-dandy tricks up their...

7 Everyday Habits That Could Up Your Risk For Depression

Avoiding these common habits may lighten your mood and lower your risk of sliding into full-blown depression.

Yes, Getting Dirty Can Act as a Natural Antidepressant—Here’s Why

A growing body of research suggests that dirt—and the bacteria within it—may help stave off the blues in some people.

9 Signs You Have Summer Seasonal Affective Disorder—and How to Beat It

At least one in 10 cases of seasonal affective disorder—depression tied to the weather—occur in the summer. Here are...

Could Rock Climbing Treat Depression? Signs Point to Yes!

Buckle up! A new study suggests a weekly bouldering session could work wonders for our mental health.

The Surprising Condition Many Commercial Airline Pilots Have in Common

It's fairly alarming, but no reason to fear your next flight.